portrait du ceramiste camille virot

Born on 1 July 1947 in Franche-Comté, Camille Virot trained in the art of ceramics at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Besançon and the Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg.

Through her work, the artist tends to turn away from the object to research the potential of materials. The reflection carried out here is fuelled by her numerous experiences. From 1991 to 1995, Camille Virot set off to meet the potters of West Africa, accompanied by some fifteen French ceramists. From this trip, each of them brought back images, sketchbooks, words, films and collections of pottery. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Dunkerque and the Maison de la Céramique in Mulhouse were among the first to exhibit these potteries, which were also shown in various art centres and cultural venues, such as the Musée de la Céramique in Sèvres in 2011-2012, and more recently at the Musée des Confluences, which is hosting the Terres d'Afrique collection in 2017.

For Camille Virot, "The ceramic object is not a 'real sculpture' since it can be held in the hands; it necessarily calls for contact; if we just look at it from afar it is no longer an object but a landscape. As a ceramist we inherit a whole vocabulary of object forms: urn, pitcher, bowl, salt cellar, brick, tile, box... When I make a bowl, I forget its function of use, what interests me is the being alone, its physical nature (its body, its lips, its feet) and its flesh (grated or glazed). Its individuality, its solitude. "